is 27.5 km long and runs from Mõnuvere village to Aegviidu through Kakerdaja bog and forests of Kõrvemaa landscape protection area. NB! The course is 97% on natural trails. Course has several climbs (approx. 270m in total) and many rough, sandy and muddy sections. In addition to 27k a marathon or 15 km distances are also available! COURSE MAP / GPX 

27+km course starts in Mõnuvere village on a forest road 

Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w9ykxnLpZgespBZT6

The start and finish of the race are not in the same place! The start of the race is 20 km from finish line by road! Each competitor must choose one of three options during registration to reach the start – 1) bus to start from Tallinn; 2) bus to start from Aegviidu competition center; 3) personal transport. Bus transportation is included in the start fee for competitors. The organizer transports one bag for each competitor from the starting area to finish. NB! AFTER THE RACE THERE WILL BE NO ORGANIZED TRANSPORT FROM THE FINISH TO THE START! That means you can get to start with your own car only if you have another driver who is not participating in the race!

Those who come to the race by special bus from Tallinn can return to Tallinn from Aegviidu by Elron train (departs every hour, ticket 3.90 euros at your own expense).

The competition center and the finish line are located on the territory of Aegviidu school, address Pärna tn 1, Aegviidu, Estonia (59.287733, 25.609553).

The location of the competition center is marked by signs from the central intersection of Aegviidu. Parking is organized in the immediate vicinity of the competition center. Please follow the instructions of the parking organizers.

Distribution of competition materials begins at the competition center in Aegviidu. 

9:30 Buses leave Tallinn for the start, from the west side of the T1 shopping center https://maps.app.goo.gl/bzWyUdHfN4Qmqi8E9

10:15 Buses leave the competition center in Aegviidu for the start. 

10:15 The distribution of competition materials begins at the start area in Mõnuvere. 

10:35 Buses arrive at the start area in Mõnuvere. 

10:50 Organizer’s briefing about the course at the start line 

11:00 The first start of the race in Mõnuvere. Wave start is in use. Four starts every 2 minutes. Each competitor chooses a wave corresponding to their expected speed when registering. 

12:50-13:00 Expected finish of the winner of 27km course 

14:00 Award ceremony. Three fastest women and men on the 27km  course will be awarded. 

18:45 Finish line will be closed

In internet: https://eventor.ee.
Registration costs 35 EUR until May 31; 40 EUR from June 1 to September 20; 45 EUR from September 21 to October 8. From October 8 and on the day of the competition, registration costs EUR 55 EUR. For minors (under 18) and pensioners of the Republic of Estonia, the participation fee is -20% when pre-registering using the code TULEVIK.

Registration includes bus transport to start from Tallinn or Aegviidu (you must indicate upon registration if and which transport you want to use – places in each bus are limited for pre registered racers only), race course marking and waterproof course map, timing, drink and some natural food at water stations, food at finish, memorial finisher diploma and memorabilia (if you finish), prizes for top 3 in both competition classes – men and women, free photos.

By registering for the competition, you also support Estonian ACE Adventure Team participation in the 2024 Adventure Racing World Championships in Ecuador (arworldseries.com).

Beneficiary: Estonian ACE MTÜ
Account (IBAN): EE847700771010171915
Bank SWIFT kood/ BIC: LHVBEE22

Beneficiary address: Lossi 6-2, 12616 Tallinn
Beneficiary bank: LHV Pank – Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn

If you notify your non-participation until October 1, 50% of the participation fee will be returned. After this date, the participation fee is non-refundable. Changing the participant’s name and distance to a shorter one is free of charge. Registration for a shorter or longer distance costs €5.

Timing takes place with net time – the time starts when you cross the starting line! A wave start is used to disperse runners for narrow trails and boardwalk and make the running experience better for everyone. We believe that every runner knows very well which wave they fit into, and therefore everyone can choose their own wave. Traffic jams can occur on narrow section of trail despite the waves. If you notice that a line has gathered behind you – please step to the side of the trail for a moment, take a few seconds to rest and let those who want to run faster pass by! Thanks for a reasonable, calculated choice!


11.00 Rabbits – you are an experienced long-distance runner who covers kilometers in a running competition at a pace of less than 5 min/km. You run for time and place. The record time for a normal marathon is approx. 3h45min and below.

approx. 11.02 Wolves – you are an experienced long-distance runner who covers kilometers in a running competition at a pace of less than 5.30 min/km. Time and place are not very important, although catching a few rabbits would add spice to the run…

approx. 11.04 Foxes – you are a cunning and tactical runner who starts with a smart, calm pace of approx. 6 min/km and has in mind, above all, to complete the entire course with a pleasant feeling of well-being.

approx. 11.06 Bears – you enjoy jogging in the forest at a pace between a run and a hike, you are not afraid to walk, but you always go all the way to finish.

Race material are handed out in the event center in Aegviidu or when boarding start bus in Tallinn or in start area in Mõnuvere – all dependant on your transportation choice. The material includes

  • Timing chip – attach around foot (return chip in finish)
  • Number bib with safety pins
  • finish bag marking tag with rubber band


The organizer transports one bag for each competitor from the starting area to the finish line. The bag must be marked with a bag tag with your race number and taken to the bag collection point indicated in the starting area. Bag can be picked up at the finish based on your race number. Organizers accept no responsibility for damage, breakage or loss of property in bags.


The race center / finish line is located next to Aegviidu school. Start is located at Mõnuvere village: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w9ykxnLpZgespBZT6

To reduce the burden on the environment, we recommend using public transport to come to the race. It also provides an opportunity to relax before and after the race. Aegviidu race center is located 250m northwest of the railway station, so it is most convenient to arrive/go home in the direction of Tallinn or Tartu with Elron train!

Start of the race is more than 20 km from the finish by road. Each competitor must choose one of three options to get to the start – 1) bus to start from Tallinn; 2) bus to start from the Aegviidu race center; 3) personal transport.

Special bus to start from Tallinn leaves from the west side of T1 Shopping Center https://maps.app.goo.gl/bzWyUdHfN4Qmqi8E9 leaves at 9.30!

Special bus to start from Aegviidu race center leaves at 10:15 a.m.!

Seats on the buses are limited and the use of bus must be indicated at registration. Organizer recommends that running clothes are already on when going to the start bus, as there is  limited time between the arrival of the bus at the start area and start.


After the finish, you can return to Tallinn by train. Check elron.ee for exact train schedule. Train tickets can be purchased after entering the train from a customer service representative or from a machine and cots 3.90 EUR to Tallinn.

Each competitor must carry the following equipment during the race:

  • Mobile phone. Switched on, waterproof packaging, number of the race organizer stored in memory: +372 5294233. All competitors must give organizer their phone number when registering or picking up the race materials.
  • Timing chip – attached around foot (return in finish)
  • Race number to be worn in a visible place attached to the front of the chest or front of the thigh. Please do not attach number to the bag.
  • Drinking bottle or drinking bag or drinking cup. Aid stations do not have disposable drinking cups, but there are pouches for pouring the drink into the bottle itself or into a drinking bag or cup. The aid station has some drinking cups for shared use. Since the distance between aid stations is long, we recommend carrying a drinking bag/bottle.
  • Energy-rich food according to personal preference. When planning your nutrition, keep in mind that it takes about 25% more time for experienced runners and up to 50% more time for less experienced runners to cover the distance in trail running compared to road running. The three main aid stations have food (bread, salt, pickles, bananas, raisins, candies, etc.). It is also possible to pick and eat lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries 🙂
  • in case of bad weather conditions (temperature below 10c, wind, rain, snow, etc.) wind/waterproof film/jacket.
  • headlamp for slow runners who doubt they’ll make it by the time the finish closes at 6:45 p.m.

Competitors must choose clothing appropriate for the weather and their physical abilities. Organizers are ready to give advice on clothing. 

All participants must take into account the fact that it is not possible to quit the competition, except critical medical emergency. The trail runs largely through terrain that is inaccessible to motor vehicles.

The course is about 27.5 km long and is marked with red-white direction signs, pink ribbons on branches and trees, and colored dots on the trees. Part of the course runs along the RMK hiking trail, marked white/red. The next sign is always visible from the previous one, except on boardwalks in bogs where there is no marking. Orienteering skills are not necessary to complete the course. COURSE MAP / GPX 

Attention! Course runs on narrow and bumpy forest paths, boardwalks, meadows, forest roads, forestry transport roads etc. Your feet will most likely get muddy and wet!

The course map with information on aid stations is provided with the starting materials and can be downloaded from the website. The map is designed to track your progress and help locate you in an emergency. Kilometer markers written on the map are marked with signs in nature (every 5 km). Since it is a trail race, the kilometer markings are not 100% accurate.

Competitors must move along a marked course. The organizer has the right to cancel the result of a runner who intentionally cuts the track or uses an unmarked track. It is not allowed to leave the marked track for anything other than a forest stop. In this case, you have to go about your business in the forest without leaving any visible traces and return to the trail from the same place you left. Climbing the lookout towers on the course is allowed – take it easy and enjoy the view, it’s not just a race!

The finish closes at 18:45. So you have a little more than 7.5 hours to complete the course. Runners arriving at the finish line after 18:45 will not be timed or serviced and organizers may leave…

Crossing roads is the responsibility of the participants themselves and the requirements of the traffic law must be followed!

Aid stations are called “tugipunkt” and in addition to drink, they can also provide food and other support! They are also places to go if a problem arises. Locations of the aid stations are shown on the course map.

7,2 km – aid & sausage station at Suur Kalajärv lake campsite

15,8 km – aid station in Mägede village

23 km – aid station at Nelijärve hills

Drinking water, tea, bread, salt and fire grilled sausages are available at the first aid station.

Water, sports drink, bananas, raisins, candy, bread & salt, pickles are available at the second aid station.

Final aid station has different drinks & some surprise boosters for you!

Aid stations do not have disposable drinking cups. The water containers have taps or you can pour water into your bottle or drink bag with a sippy cup. Please do not drink directly from the pouch. There are also some communal cups available. The water at the drinking station is only for drinking. Use water from lakes and streams along the trail to wash or refresh. In general, the water in the lakes and ponds along the trail is clean and drinkable.

Competitors are responsible for food and drink in between aid stations. External help and earlier leaving of food/drinks on the course is not allowed.

Difficult course and uneven ground can lead to risk of injury. A large part of the trail is in the wilderness, where the nearest major road is several kilometers away, so the arrival of first aid is limited.

If a fellow competitor needs help, competitor is obliged to do his/her best to offer help. In case of serious injuries, first call the emergency number 112 and then inform the organizer. The main organizer’s phone number is +372 5294233 and it is also printed on the course map.


Quitting is not possible. If you want to quit you have to move to the finish.

Always inform the organizer if you decide to return home without completing the course and do not cross the finish line. Otherwise, we start worrying about wolves and bears living in the  area.

There are toilets in the competition center and the starting area. There are no official toilets on the race course, although some of the campsites along the course have outdoor toilets. If you make a forest stop on the trail, make sure that there are no visible traces of your operation in the wild.

Most of the trail runs in Kõrvemaa landscape protection area. All competitors are responsible for ensuring that the event does not damage nature and that there are no conflicts with other hikers in nature.

If you meet hikers or pass another competitor, be polite and share the trail in a friendly manner. If necessary, ask for permission to pass or let someone who wants to move faster pass. You have to be especially careful when meeting oncoming traffic and passing on boardwalks, as there is a risk of falling.

All gel packs, sportbar packs and other debris must be carried with you and placed in the bins located at aid stations or at the finish line. Intentional littering will result in disqualification and ban from subsequent competitions.

All competitors are obliged to follow the rules of fair play. The use of any doping is prohibited. A participant caught in a dishonest activity will not be allowed to start in future marathons.

For followers, the best places to watch the race are the Vargamäe Museum, the parking lot of Kakerdaja bog hiking trail and the aid stations that are accessible by car.

All finishers receive hot soup, drink and cake.

You can wash in the sports hall of the Aegviidu school house, there are men’s and women’s saunas and a common outdoor hot tub (mixed).

Timing is done with timing chip attached around foot! The race results will be published on the information board of the competition center and on the website of the race www.wilderness.ee

Net time is in use – the time starts when you actually cross the starting line. and stops when you cross the finish line.

There are two competition classes – men and women. Prizes will be awarded to the 3 fastest men and the 3 fastest women. in each distance.

All finishers receive a finisher memento and diploma. You can traditionally make the diploma yourself – stick the competition number according to the instructions on the diploma and put the stamp of the finisher on it.

The participation fee of the competition includes all the official photos of the race, which are published on the race website or Facebook and are free to use. By registering for the race, runners confirm his/her consent that photos of him/her in the race may be published on the internet and used for marketing purposes by the organizer of the race or the races partners.

If you take photos on the course yourself, you can share them with other competitors on the Estonian Wilderness Marathon Instagram page. The organizer of the race, Estonian ACE Adventure Team https://www.facebook.com/aceadventure/, also covers the competition.

Race directors: Silver Eensaar , phone +372 524 6894, Timmo Tammemäe, phone +372 529 4233 info@wilderness.ee